Our Work Together Will Be

Driven by you

Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your coaching and development needs creating a personalized plan to fit your unique goals.


Growth and transformation requires that we openly and courageously examine who we are and where we want to go. I will be your partner in exposing the narratives that are misaligned with your goals and co-create strategies to rewrite them so that you move purposefully toward them.


I will facilitate an environment where you feel brave and committed to your expansion. I am dedicated to helping you own your stories and holding you accountable to your goals in a way that allows you to take action courageously and with clarity.

I offer you wholehearted insights so that you embrace your natural curiosity. (Re)discover who you are and your purpose. Gain perspective and harness your power free yourself from overthinking and self-doubt.

let’s get started.

Here’s what our work together could look like:

  • A discovery call where we explore & connect

  • CliftonStrengths Talent Assessment and detailed report

  • Ideation and visualization of your dreams and goals

  • Helpful tools and proven techniques to clarify strategies and design interventions

  • Customized individual or team development plans

  • Playful and inspired action

Coaching is revealing and profound work which requires a trusting, reciprocal relationship. All 1:1 coaching engagements require at minimum a 3-month commitment.